Posts Tagged ‘Andy Warhol’


Tuesday, January 2nd, 1996

BASQUIAT cap­tures the artist’s yearn­ing and anguish, moments of bliss and the sheer phys­i­cal plea­sure of mak­ing art. His lat­er descent into drugs, lone­li­ness, con­fu­sion and despair is tru­ly trag­ic — you feel him pur­sued by the Furies of greed, racism, and dis­ease, track­ing him inex­orably down.

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Pleasures of Paris

Friday, September 6th, 1991

in a moment, the door will swing back shut, and the cafe will dis­ap­pear, and then the street singer will van­ish, into the street, into the night, nev­er to be seen again. Only here, in this paint­ing, where she is for­ev­er caught in the gold­en net of the Paris night at the moment when she stepped out through the swing­ing door, onto the street, and into our dreams.

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American Screenprints

Tuesday, September 26th, 1989

Many of the most mem­o­rable images of the six­ties were silkscreen prints: Andy Warhol’s soup­cans, Mar­i­lyns, and Jack­ies, Roy Licht­en­stein­s’s day-glo brush­strokes on Ben-Day dots, Sis­ter Cori­ta’s Flower Pow­er mes­sages, Robert Indi­ana’s LOVE, and Ed Ruscha’s daz­zling 1966 Stan­dard Sta­tion, radi­ant and gleam­ing in the Cal­i­for­nia light.

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Ed Ruscha

Friday, September 8th, 1989

From the win­dow of the stu­dio ED RUSCHA had in the 1960’s, he could see a sign read­ing HOLLYWOOD. The big white let­ters are as flat an fake as an old, aban­doned movie set, crum­pled and peel­ing, with some of the let­ters falling down. But Ruscha’s many images of that sign make it a real sign, lumi­nous and charged with light. 

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