Posts Tagged ‘MOMA’

Hans Wegner/ The Bear Chair

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Hans Weg­n­er, the leg­endary Dan­ish fur­ni­ture-mak­er, always worked with nat­ur­al mate­ri­als like wood and wool, and his fur­ni­ture reflects both the nat­ur­al world and abstract art; you can see traces of Bran­cusi and Picas­so in it, as well as ani­mals and trees. He designed more than five hun­dred chairs dur­ing his long and illus­tri­ous career. One of them belongs to me.

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Tuesday, January 2nd, 1996

BASQUIAT cap­tures the artist’s yearn­ing and anguish, moments of bliss and the sheer phys­i­cal plea­sure of mak­ing art. His lat­er descent into drugs, lone­li­ness, con­fu­sion and despair is tru­ly trag­ic — you feel him pur­sued by the Furies of greed, racism, and dis­ease, track­ing him inex­orably down.

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David Salle/Imitation of Life

Thursday, March 29th, 1990

One of DAVID SALLE’s favorite movies is Dou­glas Sirk’s IMITATION OF LIFE. In one scene, all the char­ac­ters are jammed into a taxi, watch­ing a funer­al through the win­dows. In Salle’s paint­ings, too, many dif­fer­ent things are hap­pen­ing at once, every­thing is crammed togeth­er, noth­ing seems fin­ished, every­thing is seen in reflec­tion or jux­ta­po­si­tion or through a fil­ter or a pane of glass, and all of the con­tra­dic­tions are left unresolved.

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Flora Natapoff

Thursday, October 1st, 1981

The sur­face of a FLORA NATAPOFF paint­ing is a place where bat­tles have been fought, cities and tem­ples built up and brought down, and on which there has been a wrestling with angels. The means of expres­sion are abstract – marks on paper and scraps of paper that must always hold their own. But the ener­gy to work comes from look­ing at some­thing that moves her. 

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