Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

Goddesses, Empresses, and Femmes Fatales

Sunday, October 31st, 1993

For the ancient Greeks, the­ater was a Dionysian rit­u­al, and in the amphithe­ater of Perg­a­mon, you can still feel that myth­i­cal inten­si­ty. The steep incline of the stone seats cre­ates a tremen­dous focus of ener­gy on the stage. When I stood at the cen­ter and sang, I felt my voice ampli­fied, sound waves vibrat­ing in the air.

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Henry Hobson Richardson

Friday, July 1st, 1983

HENRY HOBSON RICHARDSON used the col­ors of the earth like paint, and han­dled stones and trees with a giant’s strength and a sculptor’s grace. The poet­ry of his archi­tec­ture makes the stones sing. 

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The Sketchbooks of Le Corbusier

Tuesday, December 1st, 1981

LE CORBUSIER cre­at­ed his own myth through the organ­ic gen­er­a­tion of forms. His genius con­stant­ly renewed itself, pulling new phe­nom­e­na into the orbit of his thought and recre­at­ing them in the puri­fied, mon­u­men­tal yet human forms of his architecture.

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