Posts Tagged ‘Theodore Stebbins’

Winslow Homer

Saturday, March 2nd, 1996

WINSLOW HOMER spent most of his life fish­ing and paint­ing, reel­ing in the deep, unfath­omable mys­tery of the sea. His pic­tures often show some­body gaz­ing out to sea, con­cen­trat­ing on some­thing no one else can see. Maybe it’s the light on the water, or the wind in the sails, or a boat com­ing home to shore, or just the flick­er of a dream.

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Weston’s Weston: Portraits and Nudes

Sunday, January 21st, 1990

WEST­ON’s por­traits of friends and lovers are so intense that their souls seem to flick­er through their sen­si­tive faces and expres­sive hands. But West­on’s Nudes are seen in name­less frag­ments, as cool and smooth as mar­ble. You see their bod­ies, but their faces are turned away. 

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