Posts Tagged ‘Olivia Bernard Wilson’

Ruins at the Rose

Friday, December 8th, 1989

The 80’s began with big, shiny, self-con­fi­dent paint­ings, but they are end­ing with of shreds and tat­ters, and anx­ious pre­mo­ni­tions of a ruined world. They remind­ed me of the end­ing of William Gib­son’s sci­ence fic­tion nov­el Count Zero, when a bril­liant com­put­er dis­tills the few remain­ing frag­ments of a ruined civ­i­liza­tion into exquis­ite lit­tle con­struc­tions. Or these lines from a Shake­speare son­net; “bare, ruined choirs, where late the sweet bird sang”.

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